Our Stocklist
Welcome to our stock list! Here you can see the updated stock list we have at our store. We currently only carry freshwater fish from a wide range extending from small community fish to monster fish, such as Arowana, Stingrays, and Gars. Scroll down to check out what we have!
Please note that there may be discrepancies in the stock while we process orders. However, we do our best to keep our list updated. Stay tuned!
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In Stock
Algae Eater
- Blue Angelfish
- Double Black Angelfish
- Koi Angelfish
- Tricolour Koi Angelfish
- Cherry Barb
- Golden Barb
- Tiger Barb
- Fancy Crowntail Betta
- Galaxy Betta (Male)
- Giant Betta
- HMPK Nemocandy Betta
- Koi Betta
- Superdelta Black Samurai Betta
- White Betta
- Butterfly Catfish
- Redtail Catfish
- Tiger Shovelnose Catfish
- Albino Oscar
- Aulonocara Dragon Blood
- Blue Cichlid
- Electric Blue Cichlid
- Electric Yellow Cichlid
- Eureka Red Cichlid
- Firemouth Cichlid
- Flowerhorn Cichlid
- Fryeri Cichlid
- Jacob Cichlid
- Kamfa Flowerhorn Cichlid
- Nyereri Cichlid
- OB Blotch Peacock Cichlid
- OB Peacock Cichlid
- Pink Peacock Cichlid
- Red Fin Borleyi Cichlid
- Red Flush Cichlid
- Red Peacock Cichlid
- Red Top Zebra Cichlid
- Shortbody Cichlid
- Snow White Cichlid
- Strawberry Peacock Cichlid
- Taiwan Reef Cichlid
- Texas Flowerhorn Cichlid (Small, Large)
- Tiger Oscar Cichlid
- Venustus Vichlid
- Yellowfin Acei Cichlid (Small, Large)
- Yellow Lam Cichlid
- Albino Pangasius Shark
- Assorted Platy
- Balloon Molly
- Blood Red Dwarf Gourami
- Blue Acara
- Bolivian Ramirezi
- Dwarf Chain Loach
- Dwarf Gourami
- Emerald Cory
- Glowfish
- Golden Danio
- Green Danio
- Neon Dwarf Rainbowfish
- Pangasius Shark
- Pink Danio
- Purple Danio
- Rainbow Shark
- Roseline Shark (Medium, Large)
- Rummy Nose
- Santaclaus Swordtail
- Sterbai Cory
- Venezuela Orange Cory
- Zebra Danio
- Blue Diamond Discus
- Eruption Discus
- Red Pigeon Discus
- Red Turquoise
- Yellow Panda Discus
- ... and more!
- Albino Full Platinum Guppy
- Red Mosaic Guppy
- Black Moor Goldfish
- Oranda
- Oranda (Mix colour)
- Oranda Rosetail
- Panda Tricolour Goldfish
- Pearlscale Goldfish
- Ranchu Goldfish
- Redcap Goldfish
- Ryukin
- Amazon Sword
- Anubias Nana
- Arubia Gold Coin
- Barterii Striped
- Board Leaf
- Cryptocoryne Willisli
- Fern Narrow
- Frogbit
- Golden Nana
- Java Fern
- Nana Short
- Pistia Stratiotes
- Red Flame
- Red Rubin
- Vallisneria
- Wendtii Brown
Peacock Bass
- Azul
- Intermedia
- Kelbery
- Mono
- Pinima
- Xingu
- Albino Pleco
- Bushynose Pleco
- Longfin Pleco (Small)
- Longfin Blueeye Pleco
- Longfin Bushnose Pleco
- Shortfin Pleco
- Shortfin Blueeye Pleco
- ... and more!
- Black Diamond
- Motoro Stingray
- Pearl Stingray
- Premium Black Diamond Stingray
- Super White Cross Stingray (Pair)
- Albino Tetra
- Bloodfin Tetra
- Buenos Aires Tetra
- Congo Tetra
- Orange Black Tetra
- White Tetra
- Indonesian Tiger Fish
- Yellow Flagtail
Out of Stock
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Coming Soon
- Coming soon
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